Modeling dysfunction at the neuromuscular junction in induced pluripotent stem cells derived from ALS patients.

Modeling dysfunction at the neuromuscular junction in induced pluripotent stem cells derived from ALS patients.

San Francisco

1550 4th Street San Francisco 94158
Speakers: Kelly Haston Biology 1 participant

The Mission Bay Post-doc seminar series takes place in the Rock Hall auditorium (RH102) on Mondays during lunch time. To not only feed your mind, we are providing pizza to attendees.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Athena Ypsilanti (Rubenstein Lab) and Maja Petkovic (Jan Lab)

PS. Don’t forget to sign up to give a talk! Contact us at:
Maja Petkovic: [email protected]
Athena Ypsilanti: [email protected]

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